Medford Medical Malpractice Attorney Firm

Best Medical Malpractice Law Firm Oregon

If you or a loved one was injured at the hands of a physician or medical facility, the personal injury attorneys at Reed Law firm are here to consult with you and your family to evaluate the case and discuss your options.

Many malpractice injuries are caused by well-meaning practitioners who either lacked training or were overworked in an understaffed ward. Both problems stem from higher management priorities. In the trade-off between profits and proper care, sometimes patients get shorted and suffer tragic results.

In one medical malpractice case we handled, our client’s paralyzed wife fell out of bed due to negligent positioning by the staff; they had left the guard rail down, and when she slid off the bed, the non-Velcro ties of her nursing gown wrapped around her neck and strangled her to death.

The insurance lawyers suggested it was a suicide. They ignored that our client’s wife was completely immobile, so it was physically impossible for her to commit suicide. The truth did not matter. They defended their money interests at all costs, even to the extent lying about someone’s deceased loved one.

When Medical Malpractice occurs, a state agency can often investigate what happened, which may require you to lodge a complaint and request such an investigation. If the facts show neglect, carelessness, or abuse resulted in injury or death, then the agency’s investigation may contain evidence that is important and helpful to prove your case, such as witness statements, photos, and even expert opinions/findings. When warranted, filing legitimate neglect and abuse cases can serve to protect the public and hold professionals accountable so that the same mistake doesn’t happen to someone else.

Reed Law Firm can settle most medical malpractice and neglect cases for fair and just payment without going to trial. An estimated 95% of our cases settle without going to the courthouse. And if your case is one of the few that does have to go to trial, then we have the skills and experience to win. One of our recent trial verdicts was $550,000 against a premier Portland defense law firm, and which involved reducing $226,000 in medical liens to – $0 – .*

In medical malpractice cases, the system is especially lopsided in favor of insurance companies. If you’re the victim of a bad doctor or medical provider, Reed Law Firm can help level your playing field. We can stand for you against them. We know their weaknesses from an insider’s vantage point. They have experts on their side; you need an expert on yours.

Call us at (541)772-3266 for a FREE initial in-person consultation at your home with you and your family to discuss your options.

Or you can click here to be taken to an on-line inquiry page, and we can set a time that’s best for you to talk – including nights and weekends. We are here to be a counselor to you and your family.

If the facility that caused your loved one’s injuries/death was owned/operated by any governmental entity/personnel, then you have a much shorter deadline than normal, often as little as 180 days! Consult with us to protect your rights or you could lose automatically.